Welcome to our website!
Our company’s main focus is tool production. Besides design and manufacture, our capabilities also include, and we pay special attention to, all related services, thus offering product design and technological advice to our customers.
1106 Budapest, Fehér út 10.
(FMV Tematikus Park, Building 66)
Phone: +36 1 431-0560 Fax: +36 1 431-0561
E-mail: deutschplast@deutschplast.hu

Based on customer wants, we don’t only design the production tool, but can also take part in the development of plastic products. Thanks to our continuously updated, state-of-the-art design system (SolidWorks 2018), we offer best-in-class solutions in technological design. More...
With decades of experience in the production of injection molding tools under our belt, 90% of our capacity is used in this field. As for plastic forming tools, we can produce blow molding, vacuum thermoforming, rubber molding, compression molding as well as blanking, piercing and bending tools. More...
We can repair existing tools and produce replacement parts as needed. We offer repair and maintenance for various types of production tools. Work is done with great expertise and preceded by product inspection and a detailed quotation in every case. More...